Due to its sustainability, environmental friendliness, and potential to dramatically lower electricity prices, solar energy is gaining popularity in India. 

The cost of solar panels, which are the foundation of solar energy generation, is a significant consideration for customers. The cost of a 2 KW solar panel in India and the numerous elements that influence it will be discussed in this blog.

Factors influencing the cost of an Indian 2 KW solar panel

Factors influencing the cost of an Indian 2 KW solar panel

There are a number of variables that might affect the cost of a 2KW solar panel in India. These are some important elements that affect the price:

  • Brand: Prices for solar panels vary depending on the brand. Tata Power Solar, Luminous Solar, Waaree Energies and Solluz Energy are a few of the well-known solar panel manufacturers in India.
  • The technology used in solar panels: Two major technology used in solar panels are Polycrystalline and monocrystalline. Whereas polycrystalline solar panels are less expensive but less efficient, monocrystalline panels are more efficient and hence more expensive.
  • Material quality: The price of solar panels can also be impacted by the quality of the materials used to make them. The cost of high-quality materials is higher and hence contributes to a higher overall cost.
  • Government subsidies and incentives: The installation of solar panels is eligible for discounts and incentives from the Indian government, which can assist lower the overall cost of a 2KW solar panel.

Cost of a 2 KW solar panel on average in India

A 2KW solar panel typically costs between Rs. 1,00,000 and Rs. 1,50,000 in India. The cost of the panel installation and any associated costs are included in the pricing. This cost also depends on different types of solar panels

Cost of a 2 KW solar panel on average in India

It is important to remember that the cost of installation might change depending on the location, kind of roof, and other aspects. 

Nevertheless, the typical installation price in India for a 2 KW solar panel is between Rs. 10,000 and Rs.15000.

Advantages of purchasing a 2KW solar panel in India

The advantages of purchasing a 2KW solar panel in India are numerous. Here are a few examples:

Advantages of purchasing a 2KW solar panel in India

Cost savings: The main benefit of installing a 2KW solar panel is that it may help you save a lot of money on power. The panel can produce power for the entirety of its estimated 25-year lifespan.

Environmentally friendly: Solar energy is a renewable energy source. You may assist in lowering carbon emissions by purchasing a 2KW solar panel.

Government subsidies and incentives are available for the installation of solar panels, as was previously noted. This can assist in lowering the panel’s total cost and lowering its price.

To cover a big space with solar power can install a 5kw solar system in India

Differences between Ongrid and Offgrid solar systems in India

Due to its sustainability, environmental friendliness, and potential to dramatically lower electricity prices, solar energy is gaining popularity in India. 

Differences between Ongrid and Offgrid solar system in India

On-grid and off-grid solar systems are the two main varieties seen in India. The distinctions between on-grid and off-grid solar systems in India will be covered in this article.

On-grid Solar System

A solar energy system that is linked to the electrical grid is known as an on-grid solar system. Another name for it is a grid-tied system. The following are some essential characteristics of an on-grid solar system:

On-grid solar systems are interconnected with the electrical grid. As a result, any extra power produced by the solar panels may be resold to the grid.

A solar system that is connected to the grid does not have a battery backup. This implies that the system won’t supply the electricity in the event of a power loss.

Compared to off-grid solar systems, on-grid solar systems are more cost-effective. This is due to the system’s lack of dependence on costly equipment and batteries.

Solar Off-Grid System

Another name for solar off grid systems is a stand-alone system. The following are some essential components of an off-grid solar system:

No Grid Connection: An off-grid solar system is not wired into the power grid. As a result, any extra power produced by the solar panels cannot be sold to the grid.

This implies that the system will continue to deliver electricity even if there is a power loss.

Expensive: Compared to an on-grid solar system, an off-grid solar system is more costly. This is due to the system’s pricey equipment and battery requirements.

Also know about the best 1kw solar panel with price in india including subsidy.

Which Solar System Is Better: On-Grid or Off-Grid?

Many considerations determine whether to use an on-grid or off-grid solar system. While deciding between the two, keep the following things in mind:

Which Solar System Is Better_ On-Grid or Off-Grid_

  • Cost: An on-grid solar system is a superior choice if you’re searching for a cost-effective alternative. But, an off-grid solar system is a preferable choice if you are ready to spend more money on a dependable supply of power.
  • Electricity Demand: For customers who have a steady need for electricity, an on-grid solar system is excellent. An off-grid solar system, however, is a better choice if you reside in a region with frequent power outages or have an irregular need for electricity.
  • Government incentives: Both on-grid and off-grid solar systems are eligible for subsidies and incentives from the Indian government. The incentives, however, differ depending on the kind of system.

To get the latest market price of 2kw solar panels and their installation you can contact us on Sollux.co.in and Phone – +917827110601. 


Thus, it can be said that both on-grid and off-grid solar systems have benefits and drawbacks. The decision between the two is influenced by a number of variables, such as price, electricity demand, and government incentives. 

It is recommended to speak with a solar energy specialist if you are unclear about which system is right for you. A solar system may be a great option for people seeking to transition to environmentally friendly and economically viable energy sources if they make the correct investment.

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